
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Ik recykleer!

I've recently been discovering that there's a whole world of sewing bloggers right on my doorstep. The crafts blogosphere sometimes seems overwhelmingly American - frustratingly so when you discover that their beautiful fabrics are hardly available in Europe, let along affordable. So imagine my joy on finding - through a throwaway comment by Dana from MADE - first of all polkadotjes and then a whole little gang of Flemish craftsters, plenty of them with blogs of their own.

They make beautiful things - but then I am always easily distracted by beautiful handmade stuff. What really caught my attention was this little button cropping up over and over:

For those who don't speak Dutch, allow me to explain this genius little pun:

recycleren [v]: recycle, reprocess, reuse
kleren [n]: clothing, clothes, apparel


recykleren [v]: to recycle clothes

The symbol speaks for itself but I love the play on words (possibly disporportionately so as it's not my mother tongue, but you know, so what? I'm a langauge geek too).  And it  gets even better. Because the creative lady who dreamt this little sign up - she goes by the name of Boomie - is holding a recykleren fortnight in September, with round-ups, tutorials, guest posts, the whole shebang  - all about the things one can do with recycled clothes. I am very excited about this!

I have been stashing away old clothing for well over a year now. Those barely-worn "what was I thinking" purchases are now eagerly purged from my wardrobe, and I almost encourage G to tear or stain his shirts just so I can have them. But so far the pile of old clothing far exceeds what I've actually done with it. And with the children growing out of their clothes every few months or so - before my very eyes! - I constantly need new ideas.  I'm bookmarking Boomie's blog right this very instant. Have a look at her Pinterest page to see what she's collected so far.

OK, here are a couple of photos. Firstly, L wearing a skirt I made for her out of an H&M tunic that wasn't getting much wear any more:

And this... well it's a taster photo, because my pictures of the thing this t-shirt became are on my other computer. Have a guess! I'll update the post later.

Apart from that, this, this and this are my recycling efforts so far. There WILL be more soon!

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