
Wednesday, June 1, 2011


So I've worked out recently that I'm a make-it-up-as-you-go-along kind of sewer (that's sew-er as in seamstress, not, er, municipal drainage). What with unburdening myself of lists, I'm hitting a groove of inspiration, enthusiasm and productivity in perfect synchronicity.

[Note to the ether: by the way, there will be no more lists ever. I thought blogging one would motivate me to get the stuff on it done, but my list of want-to-do changes too fast to bother and I was getting depressed about list-ticking-off failure. OK?]

Anyway, my two favourite projects at the moment are these:

The first will be a dress. The idea was to follow Martha's instructions for an easy, funky tube dress, but I was fiddling about with the concept before I even got to cutting the fabric. Since then I have just done what I like with it at each step of it's construction, and it's looking an awful lot better than if I'd just got on with it. Yippee!

Not yippee - I can't wear it yet though because I ran out of thread for the hem. So much for organisational skills.

The idea and execution of the second thing just came out of my head. Can you guess what it is yet? G thought I was making little toilet mats for potty training toddlers. Is he right???

All will be revealed once I've finished.

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