I just had a revelation in the queue for coffee. It involves a re-think of
The List, but I can live with that (yes I can. It's my list. I'm allowed to re-think it).
The lightbulb pinged on while I was doing my pre-caffeine empty stare into space and having these random musings:
Making clothes for myself is actually a bit stressful. But I've been doing some enjoyable and successful shopping recently.
Buying clothes for the children is actually a bit stressful. But I've been doing some enjoyable and successful making, crafting and sewing with and for them.
The majority of things I've made that have been both enjoyable and subsequently used have not been items of clothing for myself. They have been bags, gifts, bits and bobs. Etc.
You see where I'm going with this, don't you.
I'm liberating myself from the self-imposed aim of making my own clothing. From now on I will just make things that are fun. And probably small, because big stuff just takes time I haven't got.
Hmm, that all sounds so obvious. Just as well I don't usually try tackling big ideas before the morning's latte.